
When Cleveland APL decided to expand their programs and update their animal housing, they knew they wanted to remain in their current home, despite the challenges associated with renovation. The APL has been on their site for 100 years and wanted to remain there for their community.

The project had two main goals, to increase and improve their veterinary care services and to provide new, state-of-the-art housing for the animals in their care. The new design for the veterinary clinic included a substantial addition for two new three-table surgery suites, a new public entry for the clinic, and an expanded treatment area.

Another 2,600 square-foot addition helped to create a more welcoming adoption lobby and added space for private counseling nooks.

Along with the expansion and upgrade to the spaces and the equipment throughout the veterinary clinic, were complete renovations to dog isolation, dog behavior housing, cat isolation, cat and dog intake, and the volunteer spaces within the building.

Throughout the shelter, Fear Free colors were used to helped reduce animal stress. A large, six-bay sallyport and new offices for animal investigations were also part of the new additions to the shelter.

Project Name

Cleveland Animal Protective League


Cleveland, Ohio


30,000 Square Feet

What We Did

Needs Assessment, Schematic Design and Consulting