The new, 29,500 square-foot Placer County Animal Services Center replaces the county’s dated facilities with a LEED Gold building that addresses future capacity needs. The new building provides a safe and healthy environment for people and animals through innovative ventilation strategies, daylighting, and low-emitting materials.
The up to 124 animals housed at the facility have views outside and access to natural light — many reside in indoor-outdoor housing. The campus also incorporates dog play yards, as well as a pasture and a 2,285 square-foot barn for livestock.
The design-build team worked with the county to prioritize sustainability principles while keeping the budget in line. Water reduction and landscaping solutions were integrated with best practices in animal care, resulting in
sustainable, affordable dog housing and yards. The circulation within the building was streamlined so visitors have an optimal experience and staff are efficient in their daily tasks. Warm building finishes, lighting, and careful acoustic design have resulted in an approachable and comfortable facility, promoting the county’s vision for a community-centered shelter.
Project Name
Placer County Animal Services Center
Auburn, California
29,500 Square Feet
What We Did
Needs Assessment & Interior Architecture & Design